Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's Resurrection Sunday, another chance to connect with the East Coast Family, before setting out for Clewiston, Florida (a town that is only four square miles and boasts such enticements as pig popsicles, 100 % humidity, and the nicest people you'll ever want to meet).  The weather is impeccable, today.  Every where you look, trees are burgeoning, and the flowering shrubs are Easter Egg Purple, Yellow and Pink.  In moments I will be at my mother's house, where the inevitable drama and overeating promises to create lasting memories, or at the very least, indigestion.  For once, I am not focusing on my feelings about the impending move, but rather floating with it. Dave approaches me with news, "My mother called and explained that she will not be able to visit us as often as originally planned.  Jesse's car is sidelined and they have to share one vehicle."  "Of course," I blurt out, sarcastically, but with a gentle smiling tone.  Next, my dad, "I won't be flying out to help you adjust to your move. I took a job in Philadelphia."  One by one, my crutches are being yanked out from under me.  My friend Teresa says to me, "Remember when Jesus approached Andrew and Peter, in their boats, and asked them to lay down their nets and follow Him?"  "Yes," I answer meekly, with hesitation.  "They were fishermen.  Their livelihood revolved around their nets," she continued.  "Sometimes Jesus wants us to give up our safety nets."  Ok, a bit punny, but true.  What a challenging Resurrection Day concept-letting God give us a new life.

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